Thursday, March 24, 2016

If you would like to join Secrets of Life Forum, please leave a comment below, outlining why.

This is because Secrets of Life forum is a place for a very few discerning people.
And, unfortunately, some who do not belong in such a place, have a habit of trying to wreck it.
Sorry for the runaround, if you are one of those few genuine seekers-after-truth.

If your comment speaks to my intuition, as positive, I will prepare for you an account in the name you have used for your comment.
If not, you'll be left whistling "Dixie".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're just the kind of member SoL exists for.
    Excellent name, too.
    Hopefully you'll reconsider.

  3. I sent a comment earlier, but I think the website ate it.

    Long story short: I have been meditating for some time. The practice has hit a wall, for no apparent reason. I have a hunch that the problem is under the surface, somewhere where I can't see it. SoL seems like a place that would be helpful, if I could see it. May I join?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Good to see you! Registrations are open again, at so simply follow the instructions and you should become a member.

  4. Just looking through my book marks found your site
    i can not log in brother any chance of a hand please

    1. As far as I know, is again freely accepting new memberships. Try again. If you have further trouble, please describe its nature to me. The only reason I can imagine is if your IP number matches, or is close to, a previously banned member.
      Good luck with it :)

  5. Simpleton here, I saw the private chat and your message but MaySimpletonHaveAWord no longer exists and I can no longer log in as Simpleton. Perhaps you changed the password, or perhaps I forgot it for the umpteenth time.

    My email is

  6. Hello Crow,

    I fear I added to the insanity, and it could be one of the reasons why Secrets of Life is now read-only.

    Around humans my mind is unguarded and end up behaving like an hungry dog, always considering what others say, but truth does not come out of words.

    Next step for me would be to grow past cowardice, to detach completely, and remain silent as much as possible, not just on the internet, until achieving mastery, which could be a total failure.

    The great danger is here, not in a mob of people.

    Thank you for not being human :)

  7. No, you were just fine. Consequences often arise from a multiplicity of seemingly unconnected events.
    Nice to hear from you!
