Monday, January 11, 2016

Peace on Earth.

If 'World Peace' was so easy, somebody else would already have discovered the means by which it could be achieved.
One way it is absolutely not achieved, is to make an enemy of every individual that stands before you, because they do not spout the same drivel you do.
Do you recognize this? Have you encountered it? Unless you, yourself, are a hardcore political leftist, then you certainly must have.

Peace is a long and arduous process, that goes against the way of humans.
Conflict is inherent in everything a human does, its degree contingent upon the level of insanity that has established itself in the psyche of each individual.

Those who demand 'World Peace' the loudest, are those with the least patience for what it takes to move towards it.
And the only reason they even want it, is because they are afraid of what its absence might mean to them, as individuals.

All conflict is seated in ego. Ego is that thing that separates individuals from the whole. To battle it out for supremacy.
Insignificant little cells, fighting each other to be the most important cell.
The body suffers.

If you would have "World Peace", start by being peaceful.

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